Do decanted perfumes need to “rest” after filling?

Certain perfumers suggest allowing freshly decanted perfumes to rest for a day before using them. This practice is based on the idea that during the decanting process, there might be some minor agitation or exposure to air that could potentially influence the fragrance’s initial impression. Allowing the perfume to sit undisturbed for a brief period allows any potential changes to settle, ensuring that you experience the scent as intended.

However, it’s important to note that this practice isn’t universally necessary for all perfumes. Many modern fragrances are designed to be stable and ready for immediate use after decanting. Whether you choose to let your decants rest or not depends on personal preference and the characteristics of the specific perfume. If you’re curious about any potential changes, it can be an interesting experiment to try both approaches and see if you notice any discernible difference in the scent.