Moschino Toy 2: Do Not Buy Until You Read This

Luxury comes at a cost, but that cost should never involve falling prey to counterfeit products.

Moschino Toy 2 is a 2nd version of the cutest teddy bear in the world.

Even the unique bottle design of Moschino Toy 2, counterfeiters can still copy as if it’s just an ordinary perfume in the market.

In this guide, we expose the details that set the original Moschino Toy 2 apart from its fake counterparts.

From the box to the bottle, each element tells a tale of authenticity, ensuring you make an informed purchase.

By the end of reading this article you will surely become expert in identifying Original Moschino Toy 2 (left) vs Fake Moschino Toy 2 (right).

Front of the box

On the front of the box, the distinction is evident. The original Moschino Toy 2 (left) has a pristine white appearance, while the fake counterpart on the right shows a yellowish hue.

Remarkably, they share the same size and thickness, making the counterfeit version a more challenging to spot if your not comparing the 2 side by side.

Bottom of the box

You can easily spot the difference here.

However the most important details at the bottom of the box is the batch code.

Upon checking in

  • Original Moschino Toy 2
    • Batch code: CK2302
    • Production date 2023-02-17
  • Fake Moschino Toy 2
    • Batch code: 19121
    • Invalid data!

Left side of the box

Moving to the left side of the box, an additional layer of authenticity reveals itself.

The original Moschino Toy 2 features a QR code, while the fake version remains plain white.

Upon checking its QR code the link goes to

This subtle detail serves as another checkpoint in ensuring you’re investing in the real deal.

Right side of the box

Both in the original and fake versions, remains plain white.

Back of the box

Details at the back are exactly the same for both original and fake.

Inner Box

Within the inner box, the manufacturing refinements become apparent.

Both versions share the same thickness and weight, with the only notable difference being the crease or fold lines created during the manufacturing process.

Another piece of the puzzle to aid in your discernment.

Front of perfume bottle

Now, let’s shift our focus to the heart of the fragrance – the bottle.

The original Moschino Toy 2, on the left, stands out with its whiter, clearer bottle. The perfume content takes on a yellowish hue.

In contrast, the fake Moschino Toy 2, on the right, features a brownish bottle as well as the perfume content to match.

Additionally, the fake bottle is slightly larger, and the Moschino brand name appears faded, offering visual cues to unveil its true nature.

Bottom of perfume bottle

Inspecting the bottom of the bottle reveals an attempt at deception.

Both the original and fake versions showcase matching batch codes, mirroring those on the box.

However, in the case of the counterfeit, the batch code becomes an irrelevant detail, as it leads to an invalid data when when cross referenced in website.

Left Side of perfume bottle

Back of perfume bottle

Right Side of perfume bottle

Bottle Cap

Inside Cap


To ensure you’re getting the original Moschino Toy 2 and avoiding counterfeit products only buy from online store.

We test and evaluate hundreds of original perfumes everyday, ensuring we only sell genuine perfumes in our platform.

Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true, as counterfeits often circulate on less-regulated platforms.

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Moschino Toy 2